Tallinna Biennaal jääb paremate aegade ootele

Tallinna Biennaal jääb paremate aegade ootele

2022. aastal teistkordselt toimuma pidanud Tallinna Biennaal lükkub edasi sarnaselt paljude teiste omataoliste kunstisündmustega üle maailma. Enamasti tulenevad sündmuste vahelejäämiste põhjused pandeemiast tingitud eriolukordade kehtestamisest ja reisipiirangutest, kuid tagamaad peituvad ka üldises majanduslikus ebakindluses, mille leevendamisel ootavad korraldajad koduriikidelt ja -linnadelt rohkem tuge.



OSALE TALLINNA BIENNAALIL The Tallinn Biennial is pleased to announce an open call to artists to submit artwork proposals for the second edition taking place June 2022. The theme of the biennial is “Animistic Cosmologies” and curated by Anne Klontz and Andra Orn. Animism embodies respect for the inanimate, offering a way to look at […]

Tallinna Biennaal

The Tallinn Biennial progresses toward presenting Animistic Cosmologies as the theme for the second edition and is curated by Anne Klontz and Andra Orn. After successfully completing a pilot phase in 2020, the second edition departs from the desire to encourage knowledge sharing, inclusivity and community partnerships between regions, from the horizons of the Baltic and Nordic countries into the cosmos and otherworldly.


Animism embodies respect for the animate, offering a way to look at the world by placing value on one’s surroundings, to prioritize nature and accept that other life forms exist beyond the human and animal. If we take time to look, to listen and to feel, then a portal to the otherworldly can be activated, where alternative realities are waiting to be imagined and discovered.


The Tallinn Biennial aims to make contemporary art inclusive and accessible to a wider public on a local, national and international level.

In order to accomplish this, we will be organizing contact seminars in the Baltic and Nordic countries during 2022. The seminars focus on education and encourage knowledge sharing between colleagues, institutions and artists.


